
What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is a healing, deeply relaxing, complementary health therapy suitable for all ages. It works on the principle that reflex points in the feet correspond to different areas of the body.

Tiny blockages and imbalances can be detected and released by gentle pressure on these points, bringing relief for stress and tension in the body and promoting a sense of general wellbeing.

The art of reflexology dates back to ancient Egypt but it was not until 1913 that Dr William Fitzgerald developed the modern 'zone therapy’. He believed that there was a link between reflex areas in the feet and hands to the major glands and organs in the body. In 1930, Eunice Ingham further developed 'zone therapy’ into what we now know as Reflexology.

What benefits can I expect?

Reflexology is a holistic therapy which takes into account physical and non physical factors that may be affecting your health and general wellbeing. Worry, overwork, problems and frustrations will cause stress in the body. If we fail to manage this properly, the body's defences may break down and we become more susceptible to illness and disease.

Reflexology reduces stress by generating deep, tranquil relaxation. Many of my clients fall asleep during a Reflexology session but if they find talking is therapeutic - I am here to listen. I always emphasise that this is 'time for themselves'!

What happens when I go for treatment?

The first treatment includes a full consultation to discuss your past and present state of health and your lifestyle and you will be asked to sign a consent form for treatment.

When you are completely comfortable and warm on my Reflexology couch, I will begin treatment and it will last for about fifty minutes. After this, I will answer any questions and discuss 'problem areas' - I may suggest reflex/acupressure points to work on between treatments and we will discuss an individual treatment plan for you.

After one or two treatments most people report a sense of wellbeing and feel energised; improvements in sleep quality and mood are noticeable! Sometimes people may feel lethargic, nauseous or tearful - this is only transitory and is all part of the healing process.


available treatments:

Mindful Reflexology

For clients who are experiencing anxiety and increased stress levels, extra reflexology techniques are included in the treatment intensifying the de-stressing and relaxing benefits. Advice is given including changes to lifestyle, diet and sleep and how to access useful self help methods such as Mindfulness which has been shown to improve stress, anxiety and depression similar to the effect that is found with the use of antidepressants.

hot stone REFLEXOLOGy

Hot Basalt Stones are used during the treatment which deeply relaxes the body creating harmony and balance to the mind and body. The stones help to relieve muscle tension and stress in the body while calming the mind. The ancient healing use of hot stones produces the ultimate relaxing Reflexology treatment. Hot Stones
have been shown to lower cortisol levels, which supports the Nervous System by helping the body to reverse the stress reaction.

maternity REFLEXOLOGy

Reflexology is a beneficial treatment for the health and wellbeing of mother and baby throughout pregnancy and labour. It would also benefit a partner to have Reflexology during this time. Reflexology techniques are adapted for the different stages and special techniques are used to help areas of discomfort in pregnancy such as groin pain, sciatica, and morning sickness. Reflexology is a supportive treatment during this wonderful but sometimes stressful time of life.


This treatment includes focused Reflexology techniques to support women through perimenopause, menopause and beyond. A holistic approach is used which can help with common problems such as hot flushes, sleep issues, anxiety and mood swings.

Other benefits

  • May improve quality and quantity of sleep

  • Helps relieve tension

  • Improves mood

  • Gives sense of wellbeing

  • Relaxes mother and baby during pregnancy

  • Reflexology should not be used as an alternative to seeking medical advice